Emergency Regulation Information

Schools that would like to continue offering ONLY a 450-hour Esthetics training curriculum may continue to do so, up until August 12, 2025, at which time all schools will be required to come into compliance with the State's Regulation change and offer only a 600-hour Esthetics curriculum. All curriculum changes to the esthetic 600-hours & tuition, must be submitted to the Board at Tracy.Adams@llr.sc.gov. The school will not be required to come before the Board if the change is related to the Board-approved curriculum as listed below and/or changes to tuition due to the increase of Esthetic curriculum hours. All other contract changes would require the school to come before the Board.

Students that are currently in school, will not be required to get the 600-hours. Estheticians that completed the 450-hour program and are licensed, will not be required to go back and get the remainder of the hours.

Emergency Regulation Document 5278