Frequently Asked Architect Renewal Questions
Architects will be able to renew their license online at Online Renewals between April 1, 2025, and August 31, 2025 (late fees will be added after June 30, 2025). Online renewal is available anytime of the day or night. Pocket cards will be mailed within 48 hours of processing.
- Does your Board require Continuing Education for renewal?
- Should I mail Continuing Education documentation to the Board when I renew?
- What is acceptable documentation?
- I did not receive a renewal notice; how can I renew my license?
- I have a change of address; how can I notify the Board?
- I recently renewed my license and have a change of address; how can I notify the Board?
I do not have a computer; how can I renew my license?
- How can I check the status of my renewal after renewing online?
- What is the licensure period for individual renewals?
- Does the Board have an inactive status for Certificate of Registrations?
- How do I reactivate a Certificate of Registration (individual license) that has expired?
- Does your Board have an Emeritus Architect status for renewals?
I have not renewed my license, but have a legal name change. How can I notify the Board?
You will not be able to renew your license until the Board has updated your records. Please e-mail or fax a copy of the legal document(s) to the Board at (803) 896-4427, include a daytime telephone number or e-mail address. The Board will notify you once your records are updated and you will then be able to renew online.
- What are the current renewal fees for individual renewals?
- Does the Board waive late penalties?
- How do I know that my credit card information will be protected?
- I do not remember or do not have a copy of my User ID or password?
- I tried renewing my license, but received an error message stating, "You do not have any licenses eligible for renewal at this time. Please contact the SCLLR if you feel this is in error."
Yes (Statute 40-3-250(A) and Regulation 11-8.1). You will need 24 hours of continuing education credits all in topics related to safeguarding life, health, property and promoting public welfare.
No, do not send any documentation of CE to the Board office. If you are audited, you will then need to send proof of 24 hours of continuing education.
Certificates distributed by the CE provider or vendor or other verifiable, third-party documentation. All documentation should list - at a minimum - the name/title of the event, date, sponsor, number of CE hours, whether they are HSW or not, and your name.
You can renew your license online at Online Renewals by using your USER ID and password.
You can submit a change of address request online at, please include your name and license number.
You can submit a change of address request online at, please include your name and license number.
Computers are available at the public libraries and at the Board office for online renewals. Paper renewal forms are available online.
You can check to see if your renewal was processed by visiting the Board's Licensee Lookup page. If your name does not display on the site, your renewal is currently being processed and will display within 24 hours. Please wait 24 hours before contacting the Board. Licensee Lookup is updated daily.
The biennial licensure period is July 1 - June 30 (odd years).
The Board does not have a formal "inactive" classification. If you do not wish to renew your license, we ask that you notify us in writing and/or by e-mail to
Your license may be renewed at any time during the remainder of the biennial renewal period on payment of the renewal fee plus late penalty of $50 during the first thirty days and an additional $100 thereafter during the renewal period. If an individual or firm fails to renew within one year from the date of expiration, the certificate may be reissued upon submission of a new application accompanied by the application fee and approval by the board. (Statute 40-3-250 (B)(C) and Regulation 11-8(C))
Yes (Statute 40-3-290(9)). To become an Emeritus Architect, you must be fully retired from active practice, 65 or older and have been licensed in any state for 10 consecutive years. If you want to become an Emeritus Architect, simply complete and submit the Emeritus Architect Form and your registration will switch from active to Emeritus. As an Emeritus Architect, you may not practice AT ALL.
Renewal Fee: (Regulation 11-5)
$100 if fee is received by June 30th
Late Penalties for Renewals
(Regulation 11-5)
If the renewal is postmarked between July 1, 2025, and July 31, 2025, the total renewal fee is $150.
If the renewal is postmarked between August 1, 2025, and August 31, 2025, the total fee is $250.
The entire renewal process is encrypted and processed through a secured network. All S.C. state agencies use First Data Merchant Services (FDMS) to verify the credit card information provided by our users. FDMS is nationally recognized.
You may renew online using the same User ID and password used during the last renewal. If you do not remember or do not have a copy of the User ID and password, you may go to Online Renewals and click on "I Forgot/ Do Not know my User ID". Please keep in mind that you must have a valid email address on file with the LLR office. If you need to update or confirm your email, please email the board office at (ensure that you supply your name and license number for easier identification).
Send an e-mail to and include your name and license number. You will be contacted once the problem has been corrected.