
Initial License Application Fee

Physical Therapist, $110

Physical Therapist Assistant, $110

Examination Fee

National Physical Therapy Examination (NPTE), $485

Biennial Renewal Fee

Physical Therapist, $80

Physical Therapist Assistant, $70

Late Renewal Fee

Physical Therapist, $150

Physical Therapist Assistant, $150

Reinstatement Fee from Lapsed Status to Active

Physical Therapist, $390

Physical Therapist Assistant, $380

Reactivation Fee from Inactive Status to Active

Physical Therapist, $230 ($150 + $80 renewal fee)

Physical Therapist Assistant, $220 ($150 + $70 renewal fee)

Deactivation Fee from Active Status to Inactive

Physical Therapist, $50

Physical Therapist Assistant, $50

Miscellaneous Fees

Request license verifications online at Online Verification.

License Verification to Another State Board, $5

Name Change and a New License, $10

Duplicate License, $10

Duplicate Certificate, $10

Returned Check Charge, $30

Licensure Listing by E-mail, $10 (download form)