Fireworks Retailer Permits

It is unlawful to sell or store consumer fireworks in South Carolina without a proper license or permit from the Board. A proper permit is required for each physical address or site at which consumer fireworks are sold or stored. Retailers shall only purchase consumer fireworks from a licensed wholesaler or jobber.

Important Information Prior to Applying for a Permit

Prior to applying for a permit online, it is important for applicants to verify the following information.

● The type of Consumer Fireworks Retail Sales (CFRS) building or structure you are applying for:

    CFRS Facility: A permanent building that is used primarily for the retail sale of consumer fireworks. Annual permits are required and date restrictions are not permitted with the Certificate of Insurance. Permits expire on August 31st of each year.

    CFRS Store: A building that contains a variety of merchandise and is NOT primarily used for the retail sales of consumer fireworks.

    CFRS Stand: A structure that is primarily used for the sale of consumer fireworks. Temporary stands can be removed after the season. Annual stands cannot be relocated and must remain in the permitted location with no date restrictions on the Certificate of Insurance.

***No fireworks are permitted to be sold from vehicles such as vans, buses, automobiles, or any other motor driven vehicle. The sale of consumer fireworks from tents, canopies and membrane structures is also prohibited.

● The requested permit type:

    Annual permits expire on August 31st of each year. The structure cannot be removed at any time or the permit becomes invalid. Must carry $1 million in public liability insurance coverage for retail sales activities at the location for the duration of the permitted sale period (see additional insurance information in the "Required Documentation" section below).

    Temporary permits expire when the underlying insurance expires, the temporary structure is removed (if applicable), or after ninety (90) days, whichever occurs first. Consumer Fireworks Retail Sales (CFRS) facilities cannot be issued temporary permits.

● Verify that the facility complies with the Board approved Inspection Guidelines. Board staff will not provide guidance related to code requirements, you must consult with a licensed design professional. The guidelines are not an all-inclusive list and facilities shall meet all other applicable NFPA 1124 code requirements. Temporary permits will not be issued to facilities that do not comply with the guidelines. Annual permits may be subject to citation penalties if violations are not corrected within 30 days.

● Verify with the local fire officials that fireworks may be sold at the intended location. Permit fees will not be returned after the permit application and inspection have occurred.

Apply for a Permit Online

Applications for Annual and Temporary Fireworks Retailer Permits

Retailer Fireworks Permit applications must be submitted through the Board's online permitting software. The Board no longer accept payments via the Credit Card Authorization Form. All credit card payments must be submitted through the secure permitting software. The Board accepts payment via credit card or online check. If you need to apply for multiple permits and you would like to make one payment, you may combine the requests and make one payment at the end of the application process.

  • All Temporary Fireworks Retailer applications for July 4th season, must be submitted to the Department by Friday, June 20, 2025. Applications submitted after this date will be subject to an additional $200 processing fee per facility. No exceptions.
  • You may access the permitting software here:
  • Additional instructions on how to apply for a permit are available here.
  • Permit inspections will not be scheduled without a completed permit application and processed payment ($100 inspection fee per facility). The fee stated is for one inspection. Any return inspection resulting from the owner's failure to comply will be charged at a rate of $75 per hour (including travel time).

If you do not have Internet access, please contact the Board office at (803) 896-4259 to request that a paper application packet be mailed to you.

Required Documentation

In accordance with the S.C. Code of Laws, you must provide the following documents as part of your online application:

Certificate of Insurance (per S.C. Code of Laws 40-56-230)

  • Must verify proof of $1 million in public liability coverage for retail sales activities at the location for the permitted sale period
  • Must cover the retail sales of fireworks
  • Must be for permitted sales period
  • Must list the South Carolina Board of Pyrotechnic Safety as a Certificate Holder (except those policies issued for fewer than ninety days' use for seasonal permits)

Copy of the appropriate license issued by the South Carolina Department of Revenue for retail sales of fireworks (per S.C. Code of Laws 40-56-35(A)(4))

  • Address must match the address on your application and the address on Certificate of Insurance.
  • Nonprofit organizations must provide a copy of their Exemption Certificate from the South Carolina Department of Revenue.
Licensed Fireworks Wholesalers and Jobbers List

Retailers shall purchase from a licensed wholesaler or jobber as per S.C. Board of Pyrotechnic Safety Regulation 71-7405.1(D)(10)).

Licensed Fireworks Wholesalers and Jobbers in South Carolina

Fee Information

Annual Fireworks Retailer Permit (per location): $200 - expires on August 31st of each year.

Temporary Fireworks Retailer Permit (per location): $100 - expires when the underlying insurance expires, the temporary structure is removed (if applicable), or after ninety (90) days, whichever occurs first.

Late Permit Fee: $200 - Applications submitted less than fifteen (15) business days before the start of operations will be subject to a $200 special processing fee, in addition to the application fees listed above. No exceptions.

Re-inspection Fee: $75 per hour - Any return inspection resulting from the owner's failure to comply will be charged at a rate of $75 per hour (including travel time).

Inspection Information

Permit inspections will not be scheduled without a completed permit application and processed payment. Please include the estimated facility setup date and the desired opening date of your facility in the appropriate section of your online application. Once the application has been received by the Board, a Deputy State Fire Marshal (DSFM) will contact you by email or phone to schedule an inspection. To allow prompt contact, please provide multiple contact phone numbers (if possible) and u se an email that is frequently monitored. You may not start retail operations prior to obtaining a permit sticker.

The Board approved Inspection Guidelines are not to be construed as an all-inclusive list and facilities shall meet all other applicable NFPA 1124 code requirements. Temporary permits will not be issued to structures or facilities that do not comply with the guidelines. Annual permits may be subject to citation penalties if violations are not corrected within 30 days.

Annual Permits:

If an Inspection Order is issued for conditions hazardous to public safety or violations of the Board's statutes or regulations, the permit holder has thirty (30) days to remove or correct the conditions, unless otherwise provided. If the terms of the Inspection Order are not complied with, the Board may issue administrative citations with administrative penalties.

If a citation is issued, the citation may be appealed within fifteen (15) days of receipt of the citation. The appeal must be in writing. If an appeal is filed, the Board shall schedule a hearing for a final determination in the matter. If no appeal is filed, the citation will be the final order of the Board, and the administrative penalties must be paid with thirty (30) days of receipt of the citation (S.C. Code Ann. 40-56-250). If an entity or individual fails to meet the terms of a final order of the Board, the license and/or permit may be suspended by Board order pending compliance (S.C. Code Ann. 40-56-120 and S.C. Code Ann. 1-23-370 (c). Further, failure to comply with the terms of a final order of the Board may delay the approval of a license and/or permit application under the jurisdiction of this Board (S.C. Code Ann. 40-56-130).