Code Adoption Process
Approximately every three years, the International Code Council (ICC) publishes new editions of the building codes. Following the publication of those codes, the SC Building Codes Council begins the process of modifying and adopting the latest editions of the codes for statewide implementation and enforcement, per SC Code Ann. §6-9-50.
Below you will find more information about the code modification process. If you wish to review information specific to the modification and adoption of a particular edition of the codes, you can find that under Building Code Adoption, and the specific section referencing that edition of the codes.
Code modification requests are eligible for submission to the Council during the 180-day open comment period designated for that particular code adoption cycle. Requests are processed according to the procedures provided in SC Regulation 8-240, where you can find more details about the code adoption process, requirements, and timeline. For more information about a current code modification and adoption cycle, please see the Building Code Adoption page and select the tab reflecting the code year for which you are searching.
Requests for the modification of a building code, submitted during the open comment period, will only be considered when submitted by one of the following:
- An official representative of the local jurisdiction proposing the modification: or,
- An official representative of the professional association proposing the modification.
The definitions for "local jurisdiction" and "professional association" can be found in SC Regulation 8-215. Please note a change to the definition of "professional association", made effective with regulation changes on May 24, 2024. You can find more information about the regulation changes here.
The Council may grant modifications on a local or statewide basis, as provided for in Regulation 8-240. Each request for modification must be submitted separately on a Council-approved form with all required supporting documentation. Local modification requests are intended for application only within the jurisdiction provided for in the request, and must include documentation to support the local need for modification due to a physical or climatological condition, as defined in SC Regulation 8-215.
The purpose of the Code Study Committee (Committee) is to perform a technical analysis of proposed modifications to the building codes, authorized by Sections 6-9-50 and 6-9-60 of the Building Codes Act, and to report its findings and recommendations to the Building Codes Council. For all information regarding the appointment and responsibility of the Study Committee, please see Regulation 8-246.
The Committee consists of seven core members and alternates, appointed by the Council from a list of nominees to serve for the duration of that particular code cycle. Core members and alternates must be active within the specific segment of the industry that they are representing on the Committee for the length of their tenure. The core membership of the Study Committee must consist of:
- A registered code enforcement officer, building official, or multi-trades inspector;
- A state licensed home builder;
- A state licensed general contractor;
- A state licensed architect;
- A state licensed engineer;
- A fire code official; and
- A state licensed contractor representing the mechanical trades.
An alternate Committee member acts in the place, and on behalf of, the core member in the instance of an absence or recusal. The Committee Chair may request the assistance of subject matter experts from a pool of volunteers on an as-needed basis when reviewing and making recommendations on statewide proposed modifications. Subject matter expert volunteers do not hold voting rights as the Committee members do.
The Committee must review all proposed modifications and the pertinent supporting documentation and testimony as necessary to reach a decision on a recommendation to the Council. If the Committee cannot reach a decision based on the documentation and testimony provided, the proposed amendment may be carried over to a future meeting until a decision is reached.
Once the 180-day comment period closes, and the Committee has heard all modification requests, a report of the Committee, including a list of pros and cons for the proposed amendments, must be submitted in writing to the Council with a recommendation for:
- Approval; or,
- Disapproval; or
- Approval as revised.
In the event that the Committee is unable to reach a decision on a recommendation, the matter will be presented to the Council for a decision.
All meetings are open to the public and attendees are encouraged to participate. Meeting dates are scheduled throughout the 180-day comment period and can be located on the Council's meeting calendar.