Frequently Asked Questions
1. How do I become a Pharmacy Technician in South Carolina?
To become a registered Pharmacy Technician in South Carolina, you are required to complete a Pharmacy Technician Registration Application located on the website under Apply for a License at An examination is not required to become a registered Pharmacy Technician.
2. How long is the Pharmacy Technician Registration valid and is it renewable?
A registration is valid from July one through June thirtieth of the following year and is renewable on dates as prescribed by the department with the consent of the board. A pharmacy technician who has failed to properly renew a registration before July first shall immediately cease practice and refrain from performing any duties as a pharmacy technician.
3. How do I renew my Pharmacy Technician registration once the renewal period has ended?
Once the June 30th renewal window has closed, you must submit a paper application in order to renew. If your registration has been expired less than two years, submit the Lapsed Pharmacy Technician Registration Application along with all required documentation. The application is located on the website under Licensure Applications and Forms Pharmacy Technician Paper Application Lapsed Pharmacy Technician Registration Application.
4. What documentation is required to become state certified?
In the state of South Carolina to become State Certified you must submit a copy of the following documents to the Board of Pharmacy:
- High School Diploma or GED
- Pharmacy Technician Training Program Certificate (Must be accredited by the American Society of Health Systems Pharmacist (ASHP) or recognized by Pharmacy Technician Certification Board (PTCB).)
- Pharmacy Technician Certification Board (PTCB) certificate or the National Healthcareer Associate ExCPT certificate (NHA ExCPT). These national certifications are not issued by Board of Pharmacy.
- Affidavit of Experience located on the website under Licensure Applications Pharmacy Technicians State Certified Pharmacy Technician Affidavit of Experience.
5. Do I have to be nationally certified through PTCB to work as a Pharmacy Technician in South Carolina?
A national certification is not required in order to work as a pharmacy technician in South Carolina. However, you must obtain a Pharmacy Technician Registration from the Board of Pharmacy prior to beginning work as a pharmacy technician.
6. Are the Pharmacy Technician Certification Board (PTCB) certificate and NHA ExCPT certificate the same as the Pharmacy Technician Registration issued by the Board of Pharmacy?
National certification is separate from your South Carolina BOP registration.
The PTCB certificate is obtained through the Pharmacy Technician Certification Board. You may go to to find out how to become a National Certified Pharmacy Technician
The NHA ExCPT certificate is obtained through the National Healthcareer Association. You may to to find out how to become a National Certified Pharmacy Technician.
The Pharmacy Technician Registration is issued by the Board of Pharmacy after the Pharmacy Technician Registration Application is submitted and approved (no exam required).
7. If my Pharmacy Technician Registration lapsed more than two years ago, how do I go about renewing the registration?
If you Pharmacy Technician Registration lapsed more than two years ago, you will need to complete the Pharmacy Technician Reinstatement Application located on the website under Licensure Applications and Forms Pharmacy Technician
Paper Application Pharmacy Technician Registration Reinstatement
You will be required to submit 20 hours of continuing education. You may submit CE hours completed within the past two years.
8. Are continuing education hours allow to be carried forward to the next registration year?
Hours completed in excess of requirements may be carried forward in the next registration year but may not be carried forward for more than one registration year. It is the registrants responsibility to document credits used for each renewal period.
9. How many continuing education hours are required to renew my Pharmacy Technician Registration?
Ten hours of ACPE or CME Category 1-continuing education are required each license year for renewal.
10. Where can I find the Verification of Lawful Presence Form/Affidavit of Eligibility for my Pharmacy Technician application?
Follow the instructions below:
- Go to
- Click on Professions + Occupation
- Click on Pharmacy
- Click on Apply for a License
- Click on Pharmacy Technician
- Click on Before starting the online application - download and print the forms and instructions here.
11. How do I obtain an NABP e-Profile ID Number?
You must have a NABP e-profile ID for the NABP CPE Monitor Service with NABP (National Association of Board of Pharmacy). The e-profile ID will be used to conduct CE audits. To create an e-profile ID, go to Click on "Programs", select "CPE Monitor" and follow the instructions on how to create the NABP-e-Profile.
12. Are there any continuing education exemptions for Pharmacy Technicians?
Section §40-43-130(H)
Pharmacy technicians are exempt from continuing education requirements while enrolled in a pharmacy technician program, as well as during the first renewal period following successful completion of the program.
Section §40-43-130(G)
Pharmacy technicians are exempt from continuing education requirements for the first renewal period following initial registration.
General FAQ’s
1. Where can I find the Notification of Employment Form?
Follow the instructions below:
- Go to
- Click on Professions + Occupations
- Click on Pharmacy
- Click on Apply for a License
- Click Other Forms
- Click on Notification of Employment
2. There are two addresses for the Board of Pharmacy, which is the best address to use when sending in paper documents?
Either address can be used to send in paper documents to the Board of Pharmacy. However, if you are sending in documents using an overnight delivery option use the physical address which is 110 Centerview Drive, Columbia, SC 29210.
3. How do I report a name and address change?
A Pharmacist, Pharmacy Technician and Pharmacy Intern who legally changed their name, is required to complete the Name and/or Address Change form and submit with the legal documentation supporting the name change. (Marriage license, divorce decree, court order, etc.) If you would like a duplicate copy of your registration with your updated name, you must submit your form along with a check or money order for $10, made payable to the SC Board of Pharmacy and mailed to 110 Centerview Drive, Columbia, SC 29210.
If there has been a change in your mailing or physical address, you are required to notify the Board within ten days to ensure we have your current and correct information. It also ensures any and all correspondence will be mailed to the correct address. It’s prohibited to change your mailing or physical address to your work address. There are no fees associated with an address change.
The form can be found on the Board website under Licensure Applications and Forms Other Forms Name and/or Address Change Form
1. How long does it take for an intern application to be processed?
Once all requirements have been met and all documentation received, please allow 7-10 business days for an intern application to be processed and mailed.
2. Once an intern certificate is approved, when does it expire?
Intern certificates are valid for 6 years. This timeframe may change depending on circumstances and will need to the approval of the Board chair.
3. How long is an intern certificate application valid?
An intern application expires after one year.
4. What is a non-contingent letter of acceptance?
A non-contingent letter of acceptance is the official acceptance letter from pharmacy school. However, there must not be any pending requirements that need to be fulfilled before being accepted to the school (tuition, grades etc.).
5. How do I start recording practical hours with the board?
Upon obtaining an intern certificate and employment as a pharmacy intern, a Notification of Employment (NOE) must be submitted to the Board within 10 days of beginning employment. A Notification of Employment form may be submitted electronically at
- Within ten days after the beginning of EACH calendar year (by January 10th)
- Also, within ten days after the beginning of each new employment or change in primary location within the same company. If you remain with the same employer, at the same location, for the entire duration of your internship, you must still submit a Notification of Employment form at the beginning of every calendar year you are
-You will NOT receive credit for hours worked prior to the submission of a Notification of Employment.
- The Board of Pharmacy must accept Affidavits of Practical Experience form from interns whose practical experience occurred within the State of South Carolina. This form may be submitted electronically at
- The affidavit must provide that the supervising pharmacist and the site of experience is licensed and in good standing with the board and that the internship falls within the criteria set by the
- The affidavit must be accompanied by a ten dollar ($10) fee to cover administrative costs associated with compliance with this
6. If I work as an intern outside of South Carolina, can those hours be recorded with the board as practical experience? If so, how would I submit them?
Intern hours must be obtained in a retail or institutional pharmacy.
-If intern hours WERE reported to another state Board of Pharmacy:
- Request that the state Board of Pharmacy send verification of those intern hours to the South Carolina Board of Pharmacy at the address
-If intern hours WERE NOT reported to another state Board of Pharmacy:
Then the Pharmacist-in-charge (PIC) of the pharmacy in which you worked must submit a notarized letter on a company letterhead that verifies the total number of intern hours obtained and should contain the following information:
- Verifying Pharmacist’s name and license number
- Name of the pharmacy, address and permit/license
- Submit a copy of current facility(s) permit/license.
- Submit a copy of verifying pharmacist’s current
7. If my PIC changes during my internship, what do I need to do?
You must print and fill out the Intern Notification of Change in PIC (found in the same area as the NOE and Affidavit of Practical Experience forms) at and submit it directly to the Board.
8. If I need another copy of my intern certificate, how do I request one?
You need to print and fill out the Duplicate License Request at (same location as above forms) and submit it with a check or money order for $10.
9. If my name/address changes as an intern, how do I change it on my certificate?
You will need to print out the Name and/or Address Change Form at (same location as above forms) and submit it with a copy of the legal documentation of your name change (marriage certificate, divorce decree etc.). If you would like a new copy of your certificate with the updated information, please include a check or money order for $10 with the form.
10. Is there a time limit on how often I can work in a pharmacy as an intern?
The maximum amount of time that you are allowed to work as an intern in a pharmacy is 40 hours per week.
11. What happens to my Intern Certificate if I am no longer enrolled in pharmacy school (outside of graduating)?
If you are no longer enrolled in pharmacy school, the school will need to send notification to the Board of your status. Once the Board has received this information, your intern certificate status will be changed to “Inactive”. You may not work as an intern nor can you log intern hours with an inactive intern certificate.
12. How do I reactivate my intern certificate after inactivation?
You must re-enroll in the previous pharmacy school program or have enrolled in another pharmacy program. The Board will need to receive confirmation from the school documenting that you are currently re-enrolled in the school of pharmacy. Once the letter is received by the Board, your status will be changed to “active”. You may resume working as an intern and begin logging intern hours after submission of the Notification of Employment Form located on the website under Licensure Applications and Forms Pharmacy Intern Paper ApplicationOther FormsNotification of Employment
13. How do I request verification of my intern hours?
You will need to submit a letter to the Board requesting verification of your intern hours. Provide the name of the Board of Pharmacy and address where the intern hours are to be mailed. The letter must include a $5 check or money order made out to the South Carolina Board of Pharmacy and mailed to 110 Centerview Drive, Columbia, SC 29210.
1. How long does it take for a Application by Examination, Application by Score Transfer and Licensure by License Transfer (Reciprocity) to be processed?
Once all requirements have been met and all documentation received, please allow 7-10 business days for pharmacist applications to be processed.
2. If I am applying for a pharmacist license, how do I determine which application to complete?
If you are an individual who has never applied for a pharmacist license in any state, then you will apply by completing the Application by Examination under Apply for Licensure.
If you have applied for a license in another state and it has been less than 90 days since you took the NAPLEX, you would apply by score transfer on the NABP website. You will also need to complete the Application by Score Transfer located on the Pharmacy Board’s website under Apply for a License and Pharmacist at
If you are currently licensed in more than one state and it has been more than 90 days since you took the NAPLEX, then you would apply by license transfer (reciprocity) on the NABP website. You will also need to complete the Application by License Transfer (Reciprocity) located on the Pharmacy Board’s website under Apply for a License and Pharmacist at
3. When does my pharmacist application expire?
All applications expire one year from the date the application is receive by the Board.
4. Once I have been licensed, how long will my license be active?
All pharmacist licenses are active until April 30th of the following year.
5. How do I reactivate my inactive pharmacist license?
To reactivate your inactive license outside of the renewal window, send a written request along with documentation of thirty (30) CE hours to
The CE must meet the following requirements:
- Fifty percent of the total number of hours (15 hours) must be in drug therapy or patient management.
- At least two (2) hours of ACPE continuing education must be related to approved procedures for monitoring controlled substances.
- At least two (2) hours of ACPE continuing education regarding administration of immunizations for Pharmacists who administer immunizations.
- At least two (2) hours of ACPE or CME 1 continuing education related to hormonal contraceptives. (Pharmacist who dispense and administer hormonal contraceptives based on the Pharmacy Access Protocol are required to obtain one hour of ACPE or CME 1 continuing education). For pharmacist who are dispensing contraceptives via patient specific prescriptions as a normal course of their practice, the contraceptive continuing education is not required.
To reactivate your inactive license at the time of renewal, complete the renewal application, check "active" on the application and submit documentation of thirty (30) CE hours with the application.
6. How do I submit a pharmacist application?
You may submit the Application by Examination by mail. The application is located on the Board of Pharmacy’s website, under Licensure Applications and Forms PharmacistPaper Application Application by Examination.
You may also apply online on the website at under License Applications and Forms Pharmacist FormsOnline Electronic Application.
7. How do I request a license verification?
There are two methods to request a license verification from the Board. The first method can be done online by going to the Board of Pharmacy homepage and selecting “License Verification” under the “Quick Links” section at . Next sign into your account, complete the request and pay the $5 verification fee online. The second method is to mail a letter requesting a verification along with any paperwork that the requesting organization requires to be completed and a check or money order for $5.
8. How much is the fee for an application by examination?
The Application by Examination fee is $100.
9. Can I sign up to take the NAPLEX and MPJE before my application has been fully processed?
Once you have completed and submitted an Application by Examination to the Board, you may register for the NAPLEX and MPJE exams. However, you will not be approved to test until your application has been processed.
10. What happens if I fail the NAPLEX or MPJE?
If you fail to receive a passing score of 75 on NAPLEX and/or the MPJE, you will be notified by the Board once the scores have been posted. An email will inform you of your failure of the exam as well as the required wait time until you may retake the exam. For the NAPLEX, there is a minimum 45 day wait period and for the MPJE, there is a minimum 30 day wait period. You may register to take these exams again during this time period, however, you will not be allowed to sign up for any dates before the time limit has expired.
11. Is there a limit to how many times each exam can be taken?
Both the NAPLEX and the MPJE may be taken a maximum of 5 times each. However, you can only take the NAPLEX 3 times within the span of one year beginning with the initial examination date.
12. What happens after I have passed both exams?
Once you have passed both the NAPLEX and MPJE and submitted all of the required documentation for licensure, you will be contacted by the Board via email, informing you of your current status and directing you to complete the Application for Initial Licensure. Once the application and fee have been submitted to the board, you will be issued a pharmacist license.
13. How do I determine if I qualify for the Score Transfer application?
To determine if you qualify for score transfer, please click on the below NABP link to review the score transfer requirements.
14. Do I need to submit a copy of my NAPLEX scores for score transfer?
You must request that your NAPLEX scores be sent to the SC Board of Pharmacy. This can be done on the NABP website.
15. How much does the Score Transfer application cost?
Currently, Applications by Score Transfer is $350.
16. How do I begin the license transfer (reciprocity) process?
You must sign up with the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy (NABP) at and request a license transfer to South Carolina. Once the Board has received the application and processed it, you will be contacted with the follow up steps to the process.
17. How much does the Reciprocity application cost?
The license transfer/reciprocity fee for the Board of Pharmacy is $375.
18. What happens after I have passed the MPJE?
Once your passing test scores are posted and all required documentation for licensure has been received you will receive an email. This email will include information regarding the interview step as well as the next 3 interview dates. Select a date and follow the instructions for confirming the date. Finally, the email will include the Application for Initial Licensure. You must complete the form and submit it along with a $98 check or money order.
19. Is there any other way to submit the Application for Initial Licensure and $98 fee to the board?
You may bring the application and fee with you to the interview.
20. What does the Reciprocity Interview entail?
The interview is handled by the Board administrator as well as a Board member, who will give you an overview of state laws and policies and answer questions. Once the interview is complete, you will be awarded your pharmacist license. All interviews begin at 10 am and conclude at 11:30 am. You MUST be scheduled to appear at the interview before you may attend.
1. If I am a pharmacist in charge, will my license state this as well?
No. Your official license will remain as a pharmacist. However, you may look up your license on the Licensee Lookup site, upport=1, which will indicate your status as pharmacist in charge.
2. How long must I work in the pharmacy per week as the PIC?
The pharmacist in charge must be on site at the pharmacy for at least 50% of the total time that the facility is open.
3. Can I be the PIC of more than one facility?
A pharmacist may not serve as the PIC of more than one facility without written permission from the SC Board of Pharmacy.
4. If a new PIC is hired by the facility, how must the board be notified?
The new PIC must complete and submit the Notification of Pharmacist-In-Charge Change form which can be found on the website, under Licensure Applications and Forms Facility Notification FormsNotification of Pharmacist-In-charge change.
5. Can the Notification of Pharmacist-In-Charge Change form be submitted by any other way than mail?
The form may be emailed to, sent by fax to 803-896-4596 and it can be brought to the Board office.
When must a facility submit a Change of Ownership application?
If the ownership change is 50% or greater at the permitted entity level or parent level then a new application is required. This requirement applies to in-state and non-resident facilities.
A copy of the pre and post organizational charts are also required.
What is the requirement for an ownership change that is less than 50%?
If the change is happening at the entity level, parent level, grandparent level, or higher the requirement is a memorandum letter/notice, with pre and post organizational charts sent to the Board. This requirement applies to in-state and non-resident facilities.
What is the requirement for an Ownership change at the Grandparent lever or higher?
Only a memorandum letter as well as pre and post organizational charts are required for an ownership change at the Grandparent level or higher, regardless of the percentage change. This requirement applies to in-state and non-resident facilities.
Is a facility required to submit a new application for a Name Change?
A new application is required for a legal name change (not for a DBA name change). This requirement applies to non-resident and in-state facilities.
What is required for a facility to change the Doing Business As (DBA) Name?
Only a memorandum letter is required for a DBA name change. This requirement applies to In-state and non-resident facilities (NO FEE REQUIRED).
Non-resident facilities must also provide a copy of their new/updated resident state permit/license reflecting the new/correct DBA name.
What application is required if my facility is already permitted with the Board but needs to relocate?
If the facility is located in the state of South Carolina and is relocating within the same city, the requirement is to submit the Resident Relocation (within the same city) application.
A relocation inspection is required and will be conducted after the facility has officially relocated. This facility will continue operating on this current permit until the permit's address updated after its passing inspection. (KEEPS THE SAME PERMIT NUMBER)
If the facility is located in the state of South Carolina and is relocating to a different city, the requirement is to submit a new application and indicate change of location on the form.
A relocation inspection is required and will be conducted after the facility has officially relocated. This facility will continue operating on this current permit until the new permit is issued after its passing inspection. (NEW PERMIT NUMBER ISSUED)
If the facility is not located in South Carolina and is relocating within the same city, the requirement is to submit the Non-Resident Relocation (within the same city) application, fee and new/updated resident state permit/license.
This facility will continue operating on this current permit until the permit's address updated. (KEEPS THE SAME PERMIT NUMBER)
If the facility is not located in South Carolina and is relocating to a different city, the requirement is to submit a new application and indicate change to existing permit number for a change of location (from one city to another). The facility will also be required to submit all of the requested documentation, as well as the application fee listed on this application.
This facility will continue operating on this current permit until the new permit is issued. (NEW PERMIT NUMBER ISSUED)
Can a facility still operate while the Change of Ownership, Name or Location application is being processed by the Board?
For changes that require a new application the facility can continue to operate as normal using their existing permit. This requirement applies to non-resident and in-state facilities.
A new permit number may be issued for certain change applications.
Note: If the change is happening during a renewal cycle the permit may still need to be renewed, check with the Board.
Is a facility inspection required for an ownership, name, or location change?
For all facilities located in the state of South Carolina an inspection is required by the South Carolina Board of Pharmacy. The inspection is conducted after all the changes are final. However, the Board must be notified prior to the change and/or relocation.
What is the requirement for a Name change at the Grandparent lever or higher?
Only a memorandum letter is required for a name change at the Grandparent level or higher. This requirement applies to in-state and non-resident facilities.
When must the change application be submitted to the Board?
Change of Ownership: Within 30 days post close or 45 days before the change occurs. This requirement applies to non-resident and in-state facilities.
Change of Name: Within 30 days post close or 45 days before the change occurs. This requirement applies to non-resident and in-state facilities.
Relocation (Same City): Must be submitted to the Board office prior to the relocation. This requirement applies to in-state and non-resident facilities.
Relocation (Different City): Must be submitted 45 days before the relocation occurs.
References: S.C. Code Ann §40-43-89(A) and §40-43-90(E)
1. What size blood pressure cuffs are required for immunizations?
The South Carolina Vaccine Protocol requires adult, pediatric, and extra-large blood pressure cuffs to be available in the area in which vaccines are given. Approximate sizes for cuffs are: 12-21 cm for pediatric, 20-34 cm for adult, and 32-43 cm for extra-large.
2. Is Shingrix® covered under the Immunization Protocol?
Below is some important information regarding the new recombinant zoster vaccine (RZV), Shingrix® :
- Shingrix® is a recombinant zoster vaccine approved in October 2017 and is indicated for prevention of herpes zoster (shingles) in adults aged 50 years and older
- Shingrix® is given as two intramuscular injections separated by 2 to 6 months and had a 96.6% efficacy compared to 70% for Zostavax®
- The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) recommends Shingrix® use in patients who have previously received Zostavax® and prefers the use of Shingrix® over Zostavax®
- Although Zostavax® is not preferred in the new ACIP recommendations, it is still acceptable for use according to their guidelines and as such can still be administered through the immunization protocol
- A Vaccine Information Statement (VIS) for Shringrix® was published by the CDC on 2/12/18 and can be found at Recombinant Zoster (Shingles) Vaccine: What You Need to Know
3. Is it acceptable to post a copy or carry a copy of a wallet card of a license, registration, or permit?
For licenses, registrations, and permits, the original must be posted at the site or the original wallet card needs to be in possession of the licensee. A copy of the wallet card for Pharmacist and Pharmacy Technicians printed from the website is only acceptable in the time between renewal and receipt of a new license/registration or if the license/registration is lost. A copy may be used in the interim between ordering and receiving a new one. A verification for facility permits may be printed and used from the Licensee Lookup.
4. If a physician retires or is no longer in practice, how long can this practitioners prescriptions be refilled?
Per Policy #90, if a prescriber retires or is no longer in practice, and there are still refills remaining on a patient's prescription, for non-controlled substances, authorized refills of maintenance drugs may continue for a period of ninety (90) days. The patient should be advised to locate a new physician within ninety (90) days.
5. Who is allowed to call in prescriptions to a pharmacy from a doctor's office?
Drug orders may be directly transmitted orally or electronically from the practitioner or his "designated agent" to the pharmacy. The "designated agent" is a ". . . person employed by an authorized practitioner to transmit, either orally or electronically, a prescription drug order on behalf of the authorized practitioner to the pharmacist. The authorized practitioner accepts responsibility for the correct transmission of the prescription drug order." [Emphasis Added] §40-43-30(11)
6. When is a new facility permit required?
According to 40-43-90(E) of the South Carolina Pharmacy Practice Act, the occurrence of any of the following requires a new permit: a change in ownership (any change in ownership of a sole proprietorship, gain or loss of a partner in a partnership, or change of ownership of 50% of more of stock in a corporation), a change in name, or a change in location from one city to another. For facilities that relocate within the same city, a resident relocation form must be submitted to the Board prior to the relocation and an onsite inspection will be required after the relocation.
Note: Non-resident facilities must submit the Non-Resident Relocation Form (within the same city).
7. What are the requirements to close a pharmacy or drug outlet permanently?
According to § 40-43-91(B) of the South Carolina Pharmacy Practice Act, "All permit holders shall report to the Board of Pharmacy within ten working days of the discovery of the occurrence of any of the following: (1) permanent
closing . . . ."
(C) Upon permanent closing a permittee shall return the permit to the Board within thirty days.
40-43-86 (B)(3) The pharmacist-in-charge shall have the following responsibilities: (c) notifying the Board of Pharmacy immediately of any of the following changes: (iv) permanent closing of the pharmacy.
All pharmacy signs and symbols must be removed; all drugs must be transferred, returned to vendors or disposed of properly prior to returning your permit. If you intend to close a pharmacy, please allow sufficient time to meet these requirements.
The South Carolina Controlled Substances Registration Certificate must be returned to the DHEC Division of Drug Control, along with a letter of explanation as to the transfer or disposal of the controlled substance inventory. The DEA Registration Certificate, along with any unused DEA 222 forms, must be returned to the Drug Enforcement Administration.
Additional Information for Permits and Registrations:
8. What are the requirements in the event of loss or theft of legend drugs or legend devices at a permitted facility?
According to § 40-43-91 (A) of the South Carolina Pharmacy Practice Act, "All permit holders shall report to the Board of Pharmacy within thirty working days of the discovery of the occurrence of:
(1) theft or loss of drugs or devices
(2) conviction of any employee of any state or federal drug laws."
§ 40-43-86 (B)(3) states that "The pharmacist-in-charge shall have the following responsibilities:
(d) making or filing any reports required by state or federal laws and regulations."
Any time your pharmacy or drug outlet experiences a loss or theft of legend drugs or legend devices, the Board of Pharmacy requires a written notification.
Section 147 of Regulation 61-4 (South Carolina Controlled Substances Regulations) requires that a loss or theft of controlled substances must be reported to the DHEC Division of Drug Control, on a DEA Form 106, not later than 30 days after the discovery of the loss or theft.
9. What are some differences in USP <800> and the South Carolina Practice Act?
The below link outlines some of the differences that can be seen when comparing the South Carolina Pharmacy Practice Act and USP <800>:
SC Pharmacy Practice Act vs USP <800>
10. Whose responsibility is it to assure that all pharmacy interns and technicians wear proper identification?
According to § 40-43-86 (B)(3) of the South Carolina Pharmacy Practice Act, "the pharmacist-in-charge shall have the following responsibilities:
(b) assuring that all pharmacists, technicians, and interns employed at the pharmacy are currently licensed, certified, or registered and that interns and technicians wear proper identification while on duty;" inspections.
11. Are pharmacies allowed to perform CLIA-waived testing in South Carolina?
The South Carolina Board of Pharmacy has reviewed the ability for pharmacies to conduct CLIA-waived testing and have determined that CLIA waived testing would be within the scope of "pharmacy care" as defined by Section 40-43-30(64) of the South Carolina Pharmacy Practice Act as part of the monitoring and managing of a patient. Therefore, if a pharmacy has applied for and been granted a CLIA waiver needs nothing additional from the South Carolina Board of Pharmacy.
On May 23, 2022, Governor McMaster signed into law Act 210 which allows pharmacists to dispense a self-administered hormonal contraceptive or administer an injectable hormonal contraceptive without a patient-specific written order. Pursuant to the Act, the Board of Medical Examiners (BME) and the Board of Pharmacy (BOP) have issued joint written protocols regarding the dispensing of birth control by pharmacists.
What does this mean for pharmacists?
Pharmacists who have met the training criteria and have a standing order from a prescriber, may now dispense self-administered contraceptives and/or administer injectable contraceptives to patients who meet the criteria.
Is a separate credential required for a pharmacist to participate?>
No. All that is needed is a South Carolina Pharmacy license and the completion of the training criteria. There is no separate credential required.
What are the training requirements for pharmacists who wish to provide this service?
For initial training, a pharmacist must have completed a certificate program that has been approved by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE) or a similar health authority or professional body approved by the Board of Pharmacy and the Board of Medical Examiners. The program must be specific to self-administered hormonal contraceptives or injectable hormonal contraceptives, that includes the application of the United States Medical Eligibility Criteria for Contraceptive Use, and that includes other Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidance on contraception.
Below are some suggested initial training programs approved by the Board of Medical Examiners and the Board of Pharmacy.
An equivalent, curriculum-based training program completed in an accredited South Carolina pharmacy school satisfies the initial education requirement.
To maintain eligibility, a pharmacist must complete at least one hour of continuing education per year that is offered by an entity approved by the Board of Medical Examiners and the Board of Pharmacy. Per statute, this must be either ACPE or CME 1 accredited education. This required hour of continuing education is included in the total of 15 hours annually and not in addition to.
If a pharmacy chooses to participate, do they need to notify the Board?>
There is no notification to the Board that is required prior to providing this service. It is crucial that all pharmacists choosing to participate educate themselves on all of the legal requirements of the statute and protocol.
Can a pharmacist provide this service as a "boutique" option?
The storing of medications can only happen in a permitted facility. Therefore, the protocol can only be utilized by pharmacists in a Board of Pharmacy permitted healthcare facility. In addition, if a pharmacist is practicing in a medical office that is 100% physician owned, they may offer this service without the facility being permitted since these practices are exempt from the permitting requirement.
If a pharmacists chooses to participate, what is the liability?
The Act provides, "A pharmacist who dispenses a self-administered hormonal contraceptive or administers an injectable hormonal contraceptive in accordance with the provisions of this article is not as a result of an act or omission subject to civil or criminal liability or to professional disciplinary action."
Where can I find a copy of the Pharmacy Access Protocol?
The Pharmacy Access Protocol can be found here: Access-Act-Protocol.pdf