License Renewal

Licensees may continue to renew online until 3/31/2025 ONLY IF CE’s have already been received by the Board. (Late fee will be added)

**Licensees are responsible for checking CE status for their license**

You may check CE hours by clicking: Check your CE Hours Here

If you have NOT submitted a paper renewal application post-marked on or before 3/10/2025 & completed CE’s from a Board approved provider by 3/10/2025, you need to submit the Reinstatement Application.

Licensees must obtain the required CE's from a Board-approved provider. CE's may be obtained via in-person or online.

License Renewal - For license renewal, all persons licensed by the board as cosmetologists, nail technicians and estheticians must show satisfactory evidence of having obtained four (4) contact hours of board-approved continuing education specific to board laws and regulations, client safety, and/or infection control to include sanitation and disinfection during the licensing period. These hours may be completed through a board-approved in-person class or an online class. Regulation 35-23(A)

Instructor License - For license renewal, all persons licensed by the Board as instructors must show satisfactory evidence of having obtained four (4) contact hours of board-approved continuing education geared toward teaching during the licensing period. These hours may be completed through a board-approved in-person class or an online class. Regulation 35-23(D)

Expired License - Any license expired for three (3) years or less may be reinstated if the applicant pays the reinstatement fee and submits proof to the board of completion of continuing education requirements for renewal (4 CE hours for each renewal period). After three (3) years, the license is no longer renewable by payment of fees. Both the theory and practical examinations must be re-taken and passed. The licensee will then be considered on the same basis as a newly-licensed individual. Regulation 35-23(C)