Approved by the Board: July 17-18, 2000 Board meeting

Amended by the Board: November 2-5, 2003 Board meeting

Service Area: Compliance

Subject: Investigative Review Committee


A committee of the Board has been appointed to assist Board staff in the conduct of investigations and administrative settlements of complaints.


The committee is known as the Investigative Review Conference (IRC), with a purpose of:

1. Providing technical medical assistance to the Board staff in conducting their

investigations of initial complaints.

2. Reviewing completed investigations from the standpoint of confirming the existence of probable cause that a violation of the Medical Practice Act has occurred and making a recommendation to the LLR-Office of Disciplinary Counsel whether the initial complaint should be dismissed or pursued with a formal complaint.

3.Reviewing the terms of proposed administrative settlements of initial complaints and making a recommendation to the LLR-Office of Disciplinary Counsel whether such settlements should be accepted.

The function of the IRC is advisory; it does not have the authority to act on behalf of the Board or to direct the actions of staff or to direct actions of the LLR-Office of Disciplinary Counsel.

Membership of the IRC is by appointment of the full Board, usually consisting of former members of the Board. The IRC membership is reviewed by the full Board each year. There are no term limits for IRC members.

The IRC meets at least quarterly to review completed investigations and questions presented by Board staff.

The recommendation of the IRC to LLR Disciplinary Counsel concerning probable cause that a violation of the Medical Practice Act is considered by the LLR Disciplinary Counsel in making its recommendation to the Board.

The IRC reviews proposed administrative settlements proffered by physicians through LLR Disciplinary Counsel and makes a recommendation to the Board on whether the settlement should be accepted.