Renewal Information and Fees
- Renew early and renew online. Once you have completed all required CME, log into the LLR Online Services Portal to renew. Late renewals cannot be done online. If you are renewing late, you must submit a paper application.
Know your Online Portal User ID and Password. Your User ID and Password must be used to access your online account. If you forget your login information please follow the below steps:
- If you have a valid email address on file with the Board go to and click on “I Forgot/Do Not know my User ID and/or I Forgot My Password.”
- If you do NOT have a valid email address on file with the Board please email the Board at and provide your name, license number, last 5 digits of your social security number, and current email address. Once your email is updated, a password reset will be sent via email.
- Keep up to date on news from the Board. – During the renewal period, the Board will send out updates via email and website postings. News posted on the website can be found at under “ Board News.”
- Pay by proxy. – You can designate a proxy payer for renewal. This information will come up as an option under Online Services during your renewal.
MD/DO Physicians
Renewal Fee: $155
Renewal Period: April 1, 2025 – June 30, 2025
Additional Late Renewal Fee Per Month
Late Renewal Period: July 1, 2025 - June 30, 2026
Reactivation application required starting: July 1, 2026
Respiratory Care Practitioners
Renewal Fee: $75
Renewal Period: March 1, 2025 - May 31, 2025
Additional Late Renewal Fee: $75
Late Renewal Period: June 1, 2025 - May 31, 2026
Reactivation application required starting: June 1, 2026
- Submitting Proof of CME:
- Renewing On-Time: MD/DO, RCP, AND PA Licensees are NOT required to send actual CME certificates, transcripts etc. to the board office when renewing on time. Keep them for your records, or use CE Broker to track your CME history, in case of a board CME audit. - Late Renewals: Physicians renewing late must submit proof of CME to the Board. Proof must include course provider, course title, date of activity, category I AMA/AOA approved, number of hours earned, and recipient’s name.
- First renewal after receiving a permanent license – With the exception of Podiatry, licensees in their first renewal cycle are not required to complete CME.
- CME Date Range – CME must be completed during the 24-month period preceding the renewal deadline date for your license and before you renew online.
- Partial CME Credit for Volunteer Service – Physicians may claim up to 10 hours for volunteer medical services. SC Code SECTION 38-79-30(B) Any licensed health care provider who renders medical services voluntarily and without compensation or the expectation or promise of compensation and seeks no reimbursement from charitable and governmental sources may fulfill one hour of continuing education for each hour of volunteer medical services rendered, up to a maximum of twenty-five percent of the provider's required continuing education credits for the licensure period.
- An "Emergency" license will NOT qualify you for volunteer hours/services. These are paid positions. If you would like to use hours from volunteer medical services, you will need to submit a letter from the organization you volunteered with for review and approval.
Active duty military personnel seeking the fee or CME exemption cannot renew online. Please contact the Board for a paper application.
SECTION 40-1-610. Continuing education exemption.
A person whose profession or occupation is regulated by this title is exempt from completing continuing education requirements for his profession or occupation while serving on active military duty
SECTION 40-1-620. License fee exemption.
A person whose profession or occupation is regulated by this title may not be assessed, and is exempt from being required to pay, a license fee for his profession or occupation for a calendar year in which he serves any period of active military duty.
Email Validation
Why did I receive a request to validate my email?
Online Portal Help
Video tutorials on how to retrieve your username or reset your password:
Contact Information
For questions regarding renewals, contact the Board at 803-896-4500 or by email at