Frequently Asked Questions


Before you contact us, please look below to see if your question is answered in the FAQ.

About the SCREC
  1. What is the SC Real Estate Commission?

    The Real Estate Commission is established in SC Code 40-57-10 to regulate the real estate industry so as to protect the public's interest when involved in real estate transactions.

    Per SC Code 40-57-60, the Commission shall administer and enforce the statutes and regulations. In addition, the Commission has the power to determine the standards for licensure; education providers, instructors; discipline in accordance with statutes; recommend changes and promulgate regulations, and establish fee schedule.

    Please note: The Commission is separate from your local Associations and SCR.

  2. Who serves on the SC REC?

  3. Does the Commission provide legal advice?

    Commission staff nor the Commission's Advice counsel can provide legal advice.

    Members of the South Carolina Association of Realtors, can contact their legal hotline (803-772-5206).

    Non-members of the South Carolina Association of Realtors without access to an attorney, can reach out to the South Carolina Bar Referral Service (1-800-868-2284).

Applying for Licensure
  1. Where and how do I apply for a South Carolina license?

    Licensure requirements and the applications for licensure are located on the Applications and Requirements page of the Real Estate Commission website.

  2. What states does South Carolina have reciprocity with?

    Currently, South Carolina only has reciprocity with the states of Georgia and North Carolina.

  3. Will I have to give the REC a copy of my Social Security Card?

    Yes, our agency requires that we receive and verify social security numbers through a copy of the social security card prior to issuing any license for any licensing Board.

  4. How do I obtain a copy of my High School Diploma or GED?

    You can contact your school or the Department of Education from the state which you graduated.

  5. I have graduated from a school outside of the United States. Will my diploma be accepted?

    Per SC 40-57-310(4): applicants must graduate from an institution recognized by the State Department of Education. If the education is not approved by a US state Department of Education, you will need to attain equivalency evaluation.

    Here are two services the US Department of State recommends for evaluation of foreign degrees: National Association of Credential Evaluation Services (NACES) and Association of International Credentials Evaluators (AICE).

    See US Department of Education for additional information.

  6. How long does it take to process an application for licensure?

    All applications and documents are processed in the order received. The Commission will correspond via email requesting additional information or instructions regarding the next steps in the licensure process.

  7. When are the exams administered?

    Upon being approved to take the applicable exam, Commission staff will send you a correspondence via email with information on scheduling the exam(s) with the Commission-approved testing center. Please check your email for a correspondence from prior to contacting the Commission office.

    Please Note: You cannot register for the exam(s) until the Commission has made you exam eligible.

  8. I passed the exam(s), now what?

    The Commission-approved testing center submits exam scores directly to the Commission office. Allow up to 48 hours for the Commission office to receive the exam scores. Please check your email for correspondence from prior to contacting the Commission office.

  9. How do I find my South Carolina license number?

    Use the LLR Licensee Lookup Tool. Please type the first and last name in the designated area. (Do not input the city or State) Or, your license pocket card will show your License number.

  10. I am not supervised by a BIC/PMIC or have a company to work for. Can I get licensed and seek employment later?

    If you do not have a company to work for and are not under the supervision of a South Carolina licensed BIC/PMIC, the license will be placed on Inactive status. Inactive licenses cannot practice real estate. Once you are under the supervision of a South Carolina licensed BIC/PMIC, you will need to submit the Reactivation of Licensure application located under Manage My License.

  11. I am a military spouse; how do I apply for licensure?

    If you are interested in applying for licensure, please complete the Military Spouse Expedited Licensure Request Form for licensure information.

  12. I am active-duty military; how do I apply for licensure?

    You must apply using a paper application and adhere to licensure requirements: please see Applications & Requirements.

    With the application, provide a copy of the military orders showing active duty in South Carolina. Applicants and licensees do not need to pay licensing fees or complete continuing education during active duty.

    Additionally, your active-duty military application will be expedited.

  13. What address do I send my application to?

    South Carolina Real Estate Commission
    110 Centerview Drive
    Columbia, SC 29210

  14. Why will the Commission-approved testing center not schedule me for the exam?

    There are two possible reasons:

      A. The information you provided the Commission-approved testing center does not match the information they received from the Commission (name, address, other identifiers) or

      B. you have not yet been made exam eligible by the Commission and have not yet received approval to schedule the exam.

  15. I failed my exam; how do I schedule to take the exam again? When can I take the exam again?

    Please contact the testing center to reschedule the exam. If you do not have a phone number or email for the testing center, please contact our office at for assistance.

  16. I'm an active licensee in another state. Can I transfer my license to SC?

    South Carolina does not have "transfer" of licensure to or from other states. The Commission only has reciprocal agreements with Georgia and North Carolina. Please visit Applications and Requirements on our website for information on applying for licensure in South Carolina.

Criminal Background Check
  1. How long does it take for the Commission to receive my background check results?

    It can take three (or more) weeks for the Commission to receive both the results of the fingerprint and the Social Security number-based background checks.

  2. The Commission has received my background check results, now what?

    Once the Commission has received your background check results, the Commission office may reach out for further explanation or court dispositions if convictions are reported on the background checks.

    If no convictions are reported, upon receipt of a complete application, applicants will receive and email with further instructions. please check your junk mail prior to contacting the Commission office.

  3. I was informed that my background check contained a conviction, now what?

    Please Review the Criminal History Reporting

  4. Can I submit my background check before submitting my application?

    Do NOT submit the background check before submitting your application. The application and documentation must be processed in the order indicated on the 'Licensure Requirements and Process Overview' found on the Real Estate Commission Applications and Requirements page.

  5. If my criminal charge or conviction was expunged, do I still have to report it under the criminal history?

    No, however, if your criminal background check still shows the conviction then you may be required to provide a copy of your expungement paperwork to the Commission before your application can be processed.

  6. If my criminal charge or conviction was pardoned, do I still have to report it under the criminal history?

    Yes, and you may be required to provide a copy of your pardon paperwork to the Commission before your application can be processed.

  7. Can the Commission receive a fingerprint background check I did for another Agency?

    The Commission cannot accept third-party background checks nor request background checks from another agency or board.

    The results of an FBI or SLED criminal records check are only able to be used for the specific purpose requested and cannot be disseminated outside of the receiving agency for any other purpose. For Example, SLED and the FBI cannot share the results of fingerprint-based criminal records check obtained for CWP purposes with the Commission for initial or renewal licensure purposes. This prohibition against disseminating records as described can be found on SLED's CWP webpage, identified as Applicants Privacy Requirements.

    In the 'Applicants Privacy Requirements' there is a footnote at the bottom of the first page that lists the applicable laws about why the criminal history record must be used solely for the requested purpose. cited are: 5 USC 552a(b); 28 U.S.C. 534(b); 42 U.S.C. 14616, Article IV(c); 28 CFR 20.2l(c), 20.33(d), 50.12(b) and 906.2(d).

    Additional questions about the fingerprint-based criminal records check process and the restrictions on the use of the results should be directed to SLED and/or the FBI.

Currently Licensed
  1. A complaint has been filed against me, now what?

    What Can I Expect When a Complaint is Filed Against Me?

  2. How do I know if it is my year to renew?

    Your pocket card will reflect the expiration date (renewal date) of the license. View your license expiration date using the LLR Licensee Lookup Tool.

  3. After renewing my license, will the license card be sent to my residence?

    Pocket cards will be mailed to the brokerage office address for Active status licensees. Licensees may print a copy of your license card by going to Manage My License and clicking Print My License.

  4. What does it mean to place my license on "inactive" status?

    Per S.C. Code Ann. § 40-57-30(19), "inactive license" means "means the official temporary cessation of a licensee's authorization to practice real estate upon the licensee providing notice to the commission that the person does not intend to practice real estate brokerage, is no longer supervised by a South Carolina-licensed broker-in-charge or property manager-in-charge, or has stepped down as the broker-in-charge or property manager-in-charge from a brokerage or property management office."

    Inactive licensees do not have to complete continuing education, but they must still renew their licenses by the license expiration date. Inactive licenses cannot practice real estate brokerage, which includes referrals.

    Per S.C. Code Ann. § 40-57-110(B)(1), inactive licensees are prohibited from practicing real estate brokerage.

  5. How do I place my license on inactive status?

    Click on Manage My License and select 'Inactivation of Licensure'. Then submit the Inactivation Application form via Document Submission.

  6. My license is on "Lapsed" Status, what does that mean?

    Per SC Code 40-57-110(D) A license that is not renewed before its expiration date lapses. Please note, SC Code 40-57-710(A)(12) includes referral fee as being an action requiring a license. Individuals holding a Lapsed, Cancelled, or inactive status do not hold an active license.

  7. What does it mean that my license has been lapsed or canceled?

    As defined in S.C. Code Ann. § 40-57-30(21), a "lapsed license" means the termination of a person's authorization to practice under this chapter due to the person's failure to renew his license within the renewal period but before the license is canceled.

    As defined in S.C. Code Ann.§ 40-57-30(9), a "canceled license" means a license that is invalidated, can no longer be reinstated or renewed, and requires an individual seeking to be licensed again after cancellation of his prior license to reapply and meet current licensure.

    Per S.C. Code Ann. § 40-57-110(E), a license that has lapsed and is not reinstated by the last day of the twenty-fourth month following expiration is canceled.

    Individuals with canceled licenses must reapply for licensure (using a paper application) and meet all current requirements for licensure. Individuals holding lapsed or canceled licenses may not engage in the practice of real estate brokerage or property management per S.C. Code Ann. §§ 40-57-20, 40-57-110(D) and (E), 40-57-725, and 40-57-780.

  8. Can I do referrals if my license has been canceled?

    SC Code 40-57-710(A)(12) includes referral fee as being an action requiring a license. Individuals holding a Lapsed, Cancelled, or Inactive status do not hold an active license.

  9. How do I open my own Brokerage?

    Licensees must first adhere to all business requirements as stipulated by the Secretary of state's office. Once established, a Broker-in-Charge must be actively registered with the Commission. Brokerages may not engage in real estate business without an active SC Broker-in-Charge being registered with the Commission, as per SC Code 40-57-135(C).

  10. My license is currently inactive, how do I reactivate my license?

    Click Manage My License and select 'Reactivation of Licensure', then submit the Reactivation Application form via Document Submission.

  11. How do I transfer my license to another office?

    Go to Manage My License and select 'Transfer License'. Log in to your LLR eService portal account and select the office you are transferring to.

  12. How do I change my personal name or address?

    Visit the Manage My License page and select 'Update Personal Name, Address, or Email'. You will then Submit the Name, Address or Email Change Form with the applicable name change documentation and processing fee via document submission.

  13. How do I change my office/Company name or address?

    Go to Manage My License and select 'Update Business Name, Address, or Email'. Then submit the Document 180 Company change of address/name form to

  14. How do I put my license in referral status?

    There is NO referral license status with the Commission. Unless your license is lapsed or canceled, your license is either "active" or "inactive." S.C. Code Ann. § 40-57-30(6)(c) includes soliciting a referral as being an action that requires a license. Individuals with a lapsed, cancelled, or inactive license do not hold an active license. Referral fees can only be paid to those with active licenses. The only time a non-active licensee may be paid a referral fee is when the non-active licensee is a party to the sales or rental transaction in accordance with S.C. Code Ann. § 40-57-710(A)(12).

  15. How can I get a certification of licensure history?

    Visit Manage My License and click License Certification. Licensees can then login to the LLR eService portal and complete the License Verification Request.

    Please Note: there is a $5.00 fee.

  16. I have lost my license card; how do I get a replacement?

    Visit Manage My License and click Print My License. Licensees can then login to the LLR eService portal and print a copy of their license card.

  17. How do I add an alternative name?

    Click Manage My License, Then click the option for "Alternative Name." You will then log into the online portal and complete the Alternative Name request if you do not already have one on file.

  18. I received a notice from an LLR "Inspector." Is this legitimate?

    Yes, LLR inspectors are legitimate. By law, LLR inspectors perform periodic inspections of all real estate and property management offices supervised by a licensee to assist with and ensure compliance with the laws governing real estate in South Carolina.

    Each item that is part of the inspection is related to a statutory or regulatory requirement. If the initial office inspection reveals trust fund commingling or egregious violations of the practice act and/or regulations, the inspector will elevate the situation by filing a complaint. However, for less serious deficiencies, the inspector will return to re-inspect the office following a period of time in order for the inspector to determine if the office has become compliant with outstanding issues observed. Failed inspections and re-inspections may be elevated to a complaint.

  19. What are the requirements for an associate licensee to become a broker-in-charge?

    You can find the requirements on the Commission's website under Applications & Requirements.

  20. Can I place my license on hold?

    South Carolina does not have a licensure "hold" status; it only has active or inactive licensure statuses.

  21. What does it mean to renew my license?

    Active and inactive licensees must renew their licenses by the expiration date on their licenses. The Commission office will send you a renewal notice when renewals open. Please note, per S.C. Code Ann. § 40-57-110(C), licensees are responsible for renewing their licenses whether or not they receive notice. Renewal information is located on the Renewal Resource Page.

  22. What does it mean to reinstate my license?

    You must reinstate your license by submitting a reinstatement application if your license has lapsed but has not yet been cancelled. Individuals cannot practice with lapsed or canceled licenses. S.C. Code Ann. § 40-57-110(D) stipulates that for those licensees that did not renew their licenses by June 30th of the renewal year, their licenses will lapse. Following the lapse of licensure, a licensee has 24 months in which to reinstate the license before the license is cancelled. (SC Code Ann. § 40-57-110(E)).

    If licenses are not reinstated by the end of the 24-month reinstatement period, they will be canceled, in accordance with S.C. Code § 40-57-110(E).

  23. Where can I find Multiple Listing Service ("MLS") information?

    For all inquiries regarding MLS and/or association dues, please contact your local association of realtors.

Statutes, Policies, and Regulations
  1. Clarification on Education and Experience Requirements for Licensure

  2. My name or contact information has changed. Do I need to report to the Commission?

    SC Code 40-57-310(3) requires licensees to provide a physical address at which the licensee can be contacted in the course of an investigation. A licensee shall maintain on file with the commission his current contact information for his residential address, mailing address, email address, and telephone number. Failure to update this contact information within thirty days after a change may result in an administrative suspension of the property manager, salesperson, broker, or broker-in-charge pursuant to SC Code 40-57-710.

  3. What are BIC responsibilities?

    SC Code 40-57-135 (A) A broker-in-charge or property manager-in-charge shall:

      (1) adequately supervise employees or associated licensees to ensure their compliance with this chapter;

      (2) review and approve all forms of listing agreements, agency agreements, offers, sale contracts, purchase contracts, leases, options, contract addenda, or other contractual or disclosure documents routinely used by the real estate brokerage firm;

      (3) maintain adequate, reasonable, and regular contact with associated licensees engaged in real estate transactions so as to prevent or curtail practices by a licensee which would violate any provision of this chapter, Chapter 1, Title 40, the Interstate Land Sales Practices Act, or the Vacation Time Sharing Plans Act;

      (4) be available to the public during business hours in order to discuss or resolve complaints and disputes that arise during the course of real estate transactions in which the broker-in-charge or property manager-in-charge or an associated licensee is involved;

      (5) establish and maintain a written office policy in accordance with SC Code 40-57-510(B) and make that policy readily accessible to associated licensees;

      (6) ensure that all associated licensees have an active real estate license;

      (7) establish and maintain control of and responsibility for an active trust account when in possession of trust funds belonging to others resulting from a real estate transaction; and

      (8) notify the commission by mail within ten days of any change of office name, address, email address, or telephone number.

  4. What are PMIC responsibilities?

    SC Code 40-57-135 (A) A broker-in-charge or property manager-in-charge shall:

      (1) adequately supervise employees or associated licensees to ensure their compliance with this chapter;

      (2) review and approve all forms of listing agreements, agency agreements, offers, sale contracts, purchase contracts, leases, options, contract addenda, or other contractual or disclosure documents routinely used by the real estate brokerage firm;

      (3) maintain adequate, reasonable, and regular contact with associated licensees engaged in real estate transactions so as to prevent or curtail practices by a licensee which would violate any provision of this chapter, Chapter 1, Title 40, the Interstate Land Sales Practices Act, or the Vacation Time Sharing Plans Act;

      (4) be available to the public during business hours in order to discuss or resolve complaints and disputes that arise during the course of real estate transactions in which the broker-in-charge or property manager-in-charge or an associated licensee is involved;

      (5) establish and maintain a written office policy in accordance with SC Code 40-57-510(B) and make that policy readily accessible to associated licensees;

      (6) ensure that all associated licensees have an active real estate license;

      (7) establish and maintain control of and responsibility for an active trust account when in possession of trust funds belonging to others resulting from a real estate transaction; and

      (8) notify the commission by mail within ten days of any change of office name, address, email address, or telephone number.

  5. Who can supervise a Property Management office?

    SC Law requires individual property management offices to be supervised by a South Carolina licensed property manager-in-charge or South Carolina licensed Broker-in-Charge.

    Per SC Code 40-57-135(C) (2) A broker-in-Charge or property manager-in-charge may maintain one or more offices at different locations. Each office must be managed by a broker-in-charge or property manager- in-charge who is license for that real estate brokerage firm's location. The same person may request to be licensed as a broker-in-charge or property manager-in-charge of more than one office if the broker-in-charge or property manager-in-charge making the request acknowledges in writing that the applicant understands the duties and can fully assume the responsibility to ensure compliance with this chapter.

    In the law, the Commission requires a separate application for each office location and cannot consolidate the license to a corporation who oversees multiple property management office locations.

  6. Can I hold more than one type of real estate license?

    An individual holding a supervised licensee license (i.e., associate, broker, or property manager) may not have more than one supervised licensee license. Additionally, a supervised licensee can only be under the supervision of one broker-in-charge ("BIC") or property manager-in-charge ("PMIC"). Below please find the applicable laws:

      SC Code Ann § 40-57-110(A): The commission shall issue licenses in the classifications of broker, broker-in-charge, or assocate, to individuals who qualify under and comply with the requirements of this chapter; provided the commission may deny a license to an applicant it finds to have engaged in misconduct as provided in SC Code Ann § 40-57-710 or otherwise. No individual may be licensed in more than one classification at the same time.

      SC Code Ann § 40-57-510(D): The commission shall issue licenses in the classifications of property manager or property manager-in-charge to individuals who qualify under and comply with the requirements of this chapter. An individual may not be licensed in more than one classification at the same time.

      SC Code Ann § 40-57-330(B): An individual holding an active broker or associate license must be licensed under a broker-in-charge who is licensed by the commission and may not be licensed during the same period with more than one broker-in-charge.

      SC Code Ann § 40-57-510(E): A property manager may not be licensed during the same period with more than one property manager-in-charge or broker-in-charge.

      S.C. Code Ann. § 40-57-30(39): "Supervised licensee" means a licensee affiliated with and under the supervision of a broker-in-charge or property manager-in-charge.

    Based on the laws above and the principles of agency, the Commission's interpretation is that the law does not allow a supervised licensee to hold more than one category of supervised licensee license (associate, broker, property manager). A licensee can only be under the supervision of one BIC or PMIC.

  7. What are unlicensed individuals prohibited from doing while under the supervision of a BIC or PMIC?

    SC Code 40-57-135 (K) For all types of real estate transactions, including leases and sales, an unlicensed employee of the owner or an unlicensed individual working under the supervision of a broker-in-charge or a property manager-in-charge may NOT:

      (1) discuss, negotiate, or explain a contract, listing agreement, buyer agency agreement, lease, agreement, property management agreement, or other real estate document;

      (2) vary or deviate from the rental price or other terms and conditions previously established by the owner or licensee when supplying relevant information concerning the rental of property;

      (3) approve applications or leases or settle or arrange the terms and conditions of a lease;

      (4) indicate to the public that the unlicensed individual is in a position of authority which has the managerial responsibility of the rental property;

      (5) conduct or host an open house or manage an on-site sale or leasing office;

      (6) show real property for sale other than vacant units in a multifamily building;

      (7) answer questions regarding company listings, title, financing, and closing issues, except for information that is otherwise publicly available;

      (8) be paid solely on the basis of real estate activity including, but not limited to, a percentage of commission or an amount based on the listing or sales compensation or commission;

      (9) negotiate or agree to compensation or commission including, but not limited to, commission splits, management fees, or referral fees on behalf of a licensee; or

      (10) engage in an activity requiring a real estate license as required and defined by this chapter.

      (L) A licensee is not required to maintain records of communications that are not designated to be retained or to create a permanent record such as text messages, instant messaging system-formatted messages, voicemail, voice recordings, or social media posts.

Pre-licensing Education
  1. How long is my pre-licensing education good for?

    For first-time associate, broker, or broker-in-charge applicants, the course certificate is good for 5 years. For applicants that are reapplying after failing to complete successfully both the state and national portions of the examination, the course certificate is good for 3 years.

  2. Where can I find schools and the courses they teach?

    Please visit the Pre-Licensing page and click 'Approved Providers and Courses.' Providers and Courses are listed under Document 140 Pre-Exam Course Provider and Courses.

  3. Where do I find classes and when are they offered?

    Please visit the Pre-Licensing page and click 'Approved Providers and Course.' Approved courses are listed under Document 150 Pre-Licensing Course Calendar.

  4. Where can I find study material?

    Salesman and Broker PSI exam candidate bulletin which outlines the National and State portion exam topics.

    Property Manager PSI exam candidate bulletin which outlines the National and state portion exam topics.

    For independent study, one book that that is often used for SC Real Estate exam preparation is AWARE in SC by Charles Wyatt of Wyatt Institute. It also is recommended in the PSI exam candidate bulletin. It can be ordered online and focuses on SC Real Estate law.

    Laws, Regulations and Guidance: SC License Law, SC Regulations, Residential Property Disclosure Act, Landlord Tenant Act, Time Sharing Plans act, Land Sales Practice Act and Trust Account guidelines which are testable subject matter.

  5. How do I become an approved SC Instructor/Provider?

    Information regarding becoming an approved instructor/provider is located on the Pre-Licensing page, under Education Providers/Instructors.

  6. What courses are required to obtain a license?

    Unless you fall within an exemption*, the following pre-licensing courses are required to obtain a license

    *An applicant with a juris doctor degree, a bachelor of law degree, a baccalaureate degree or a master's degree with a major in real estate from an accredited college or university is exempt from pre-licensing education

    **Please note that part of the requirement for a property manager to obtain the property manager-in-charge license is to complete the 7-hour Property Manager-in-Charge Course.

  7. I don't live in South Carolina. Can I take pre-licensing real estate courses offered by my state?

    Pre-Licensing courses must be approved by the South Carolina Real Estate Commission. There are Commission-approved courses offered online and in-person. Please visit Pre-Licensing Education Course Calendar for a list of Commission-approved pre-licensing courses and course providers.

  8. I am licensed in another state. Do I have to take both the 60-hour and the 30-hour South Carolina courses for the SC associate license?

    Yes, unless you qualify for licensure by reciprocity through Georgia and North Carolina or you have a juris doctor degree, a bachelor of law degree, a baccalaureate degree or a master's degree with a major in real estate from an accredited college or university. (S.C. Code Ann. § 40-57-320(A)(1)(b) and (A)(2)(b); 40-57-510(C)(1)(b)).

  9. Q: I am licensed in another state. Can I just take the exam and skip taking the courses? A: The pre-licensing courses are required for licensure. The only exceptions are if you are licensed in Georgia or North Carolina and qualify for licensure through reciprocity or you have a juris doctor degree, a bachelor of law degree, a baccalaureate degree or a master's degree with a major in real estate from an accredited college or university. (S.C. Code Ann. § 40-57-320(A)(1)(b) and (A)(2)(b); 40-57-510(C)(1)(b)).
  10. Where do I find classes and when are they offered?

    Please visit the Pre-Licensing section of our website and click "Approved Providers and Courses." Approved Providers are listed under Document 140, Pre-Exam Course Provider and Courses. A calendar of approved courses and when they are offered are listed under Document 150, Pre-Licensing Course Calendar.

  11. I failed my real estate school's pre-licensing course exam, how many times can I retake it?

    Per Regulation 105-6(C)(5)(f), you can take the real estate course exam two times. If you do not pass on the second attempt, you must retake the entire pre-licensing course again before being eligible to sit for the pre-licensing course exam again.

  12. I am a managing broker in another state, why do I have to take exams to become a broker-in-charge in South Carolina?

    All South Carolina real estate applicants have educational and testing requirements. Please visit Applications and Requirements on our website to review pre-licensing requirements.

Continuing Education
  1. Where can I find a list of approved courses/providers?

    Please visit the Continuing Education page and click the 'approved CE Courses' dropdown menu, you will find approved courses/providers listed under Document 151 CE Course Calendar.

  2. What is the current Mandatory Core Course?

    Also known as Current Core Course, Review the CE Course Calendar Document 151 located on the Continuing Education page. Please note that Mandatory Core courses are classified as "CEC" (Continuing Education Core) or "DEC" (Distance Education Core).

  3. Can I complete the Mandatory Core Course online?

    Yes. Contact the providers for course offering. Provider listing is located on the Continuing Education page under the CE Course Calendar Document 151.

  4. Can I renew my license before completing my CE?

    CE must be completed before renewing your active license. Licenses on inactive status are not required to complete CE for renewal. You can check your license status by using the LLR Licensee Lookup Tool.

  5. When will my CE post in my CE Broker account?

    Providers have 14 calendar days to report CE to CE Broker.

  6. Can CEs acquired in the current renewal period be applied toward the next renewal period?

    Yes, in accordance with S.C. Code Ann. § 40-57-340(C), a broker or associate who takes more than the required number of hours during a two-year period may carry forward up to four hours of elective courses to another renewal period.

  7. Are Ethics courses a requirement for the Commission?

    Ethics is not a requirement for South Carolina Licensure. If you are a member of an association, you will need to contact the association for their membership renewal requirements.

  8. Can I submit CE from another state that I hold licensure with?

    After the 2022-2024 renewal period, all continuing education must be approved by the South Carolina Real Estate Commission. Approved courses and providers are located on the Continuing Education Page.

  9. How do I submit the required CE hours?

    The providers will report course completion directly to CE Broker. No further action is required.

  10. What is CE Broker?

    CE Broker- Continuing Education tracking database.

  11. Do I have to pay for a CE Broker account?

    All South Carolina licensees are eligible for a FREE Basic account through CE Broker.

  12. How can I be Exempt from continuing education?

    Requirements and instructions for Exemption from Continuing Education are located on the Continuing Education page under the 'Continuing Education Exemptions' drop down menu.

  13. How do I become an approved Instructor/Provider?

    Information regarding becoming an approved instructor/provider is located on the Continuing Education page, you will click the button for Education Providers/Instructors.

  14. I accidentally signed up for the 7-day trial for CE Broker instead of the free basic account. How do I cancel the subscription trial?

    Licensees have access to the free, basic account with CE Broker.

    Please review the 7-day trial Cancellation instructions

    If you continue to experience issues, CE Broker support hours are 8am-8pm EST Monday-Friday, please call 877-434-6323.

  15. My license is inactive. How can I reactivate my license?

    You must take the current required CEs and apply for reactivation of licensure.

  16. I cannot remember if I have taken the required CE hours. How do I find this information?

    Please visit the CE Broker website to find your CE history.

  17. How many hours and what courses are required for me to renew my license?

    Continuing education requirements are located on the Continuing Education page of the Commission's website.

  18. Where do I find a record of courses I have taken?

    You should find the list of courses completed on the CE Broker website.

  19. I cannot log into CE Broker. How do I log into my CE Broker account?

    Please contact CE Broker for assistance with their website.

  20. How do I become a Commission-approved instructor or provider?

    Information regarding becoming an approved instructor/provider is located on the Continuing Education page, under Education Providers/Instructors.

Consumer Information
  1. Can I pay a referral fee to an unlicensed person?

    Soliciting a referral fee requires real estate licensure. S.C. Code 40-57-710(A)(12) stipulates the Commission may take disciplinary action against a licensee who "pays a commission or compensation to an unlicensed individual for activities requiring a license under this chapter. Notwithstanding this SC Code, a licensee may not pay or offer to pay a referral fee or finder's fee to an unlicensed individual that is not a party in the real estate transaction."

    Unlicensed Employees may not negotiate or agree to compensation based upon the listing, sales or rental of a property. A resident licensee may pay a portion of their commission to a licensee of another jurisdiction on a cooperative basis if the licensee does not perform real estate activities requiring licensure in South Carolina.

  2. How do I file a complaint?

    The South Carolina Real Estate Commission (the "Commission") may take disciplinary action against an individual licensee if there are facts which support a charge resulting in the finding of a violation of the South Carolina Real Estate License Law. The Commission does not have the authority to intercede in civil/contractual matters or arbitrate disputes.

    If you believe a violation has occurred, you may file a formal complaint against the licensee online or by completing a complaint form and returning it to the Commission, along with any relevant documentation. You may request a form by emailing

    In order to submit a complaint, it must be on the Complaint form or submitted through the online complaint system mentioned above.

  3. How do I know if someone has a real estate license?

    Use the LLR Licensee Lookup Tool and put the licensee's first and last name in the designated area. (Do not input the city or State)

  4. Does the Commission have jurisdiction over Home Owner Associations ("HOAs")?

    No, the Commission does not have jurisdiction over HOAs. However, the Commission does require that property owners disclose whether the property is subject to an HOA on the Residential Property Condition Disclosure Statement. If the property is subject to an HOA, the property owner must also complete an addendum.

    All other HOA matters and inquiries can be directed to the South Carolina Department of Consumer Affairs.

  5. Where can I find the South Carolina Residential Landlord and Tenant Act?

    The South Carolina Residential Landlord and Tenant Act is found at S.C. Code Ann. § 27-40-10 et seq.

Coming soon

For additional questions or concerns, please email or call 803-896-4400.